Thursday 6 June 2013

Badger Watch at the Heathfield Show

Mud, sweat and debauchery!  Well, mud and sweat, anyway.

Chap up the far corner (with shooting stick) had received a Grenville Allen Off-Roading Can Be Fun hedgehog pic and vowed that if ever he found the artist he'd buy more.  Lo and behold: there I am.  (I'm the one on the right in the foreground, hands behind my back, listening to his story v intently.)

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Keep it Local Easter 2013

An excellent time was had by one and all despite the snow.  All thanks to Anne Marriner's organisational skills.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Out there in the action

Waiting patiently for the customer to get out his wad....